Crispy BBQ Tempeh Sandwiches

Crispy BBQ Tempeh new obsession and a recipe you will want to save for later!

If you're anything like me (prior to committing to eating more of a plant-based diet), when you hear the word "tempeh", you are probably thinking to yourself, "wtf is that? And why should I care?"

If that sounds like you AT ALL (no worries if it does), I would like to introduce you to a plant-based powerhouse you didn't know you were missing out on... until now.

Tempeh is made of fermented soybeans and is PACKED with protein and prebiotics and other nutrients including iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Its neutral flavor makes it a versatile addition to pretty much any style disk AND it is low in carbs and sodium (if that interests you at all).

You're probably thinking... enough with the education, get to the good stuff.

Ok, ok!



  • 1 package Light Life Foods Tempeh

  • Ciabatta Rolls

  • Coconut Oil

  • BBQ Sauce (I prefer to use an “original” flavor sauce)

  • Toppings of choice (lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, sauce, avocados, etc.)


  • Cut tempeh cube into thin slices... about 1/4 in thick

  • Melt 2 Tbsp coconut oil in a frying pan

  • Place tempeh slices in frying pan (med-high heat) and saute until brown on each side (about 2-3 minutes per side)

  • Once tempeh is golden brown, dump a WHOLE bunch of your favorite bbq sauce into the pan and mix together

  • Let BBQ sauce and tempeh cook together until there is a nice glaze on the tempeh

  • Cut ciabatta rolls in half and top with cooked tempeh and ANY additional goodies you like

  • Serve with a salad.. or another side of choice

  • Eat and enjoy! (Makes enough for 2-3 sandwiches)

check out more of my favorite healthy meal ideas below!