Find your fuel and
set your world on fire.
I founded FUEL Wellness after conquering a 10+ year battle with disordered eating, anxiety and an unhealthy relationship with my body and myself.
For years, I was controlled by overthinking and my perfectionistic tendencies. I believed that I was only as good as my physical appearance, my rigid habits/behaviors, and the level of discipline I had trying to live up to these unrealistic [self-imposed] standards.
I was caught up in my restrictive eating and unhealthy obsession with exercise, my anxiety was unbearable, and my inner critic pretty much controlled my life.
Over the years I have done extensive work both personally and professionally to understand the mind-body connection as it relates to both mental and physical health. Throughout my studies and experiences I have learned that we are only as healthy as our minds, our physical bodies (both internal and external) and the connection
between the two. Therefore, how we FUEL ourselves nutritionally, physically, and emotionally will drastically impact our ability to live a healthy, happy, thriving life.
We all deserve to be happy, healthy and confident.
Loving ourselves and embracing our imperfections should come naturally without stipulations. Enjoying food and fitness should come from a place of health and nourishment, not a place of guilt or shame. Understanding that we are a work-in-progress and the fact that there is no “one-size"-fits-all” approach to life is the key to finding your FUEL and living a healthy, happy, thriving life.
As a coach, teacher and educator, I am on a mission to share my experiences and knowledge around mindfulness, healthy exercise, holistic nutrition and personal development in order to empower women to discover, define and create their best life possible.
rescue DOg mom
Dack & Dexter
michigan native
mitten state born and raised.
adventure seeker
boating, motorcycle, anything outdoors
photography, guitar, water color, cooking, etc.
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