Mind & Body Reset Meditation
In todays meditation, we are going to be focusing on a “Mind and Body Energetic Reset”.
This is a great practice for when you are feeling stressed, scattered and/or out of alignment, and want to reconnect with yourself to create a more desirable mood.
Let’s get started!
Guided Meditation: Mind & Body Energetic Reset
Come into a comfortable seated position. Rest your arms and legs in a way that feels easy and relaxed.
Close your eyes and begin to bring your attention to your breath. Notice the breath as you slowly and gently inhale through the nose, and exhale through the nose. Does it flow freely and smoothly? Or does it feel jagged and shallow? Whatever you experience be sure not to place any judgement on it. Continue observing for a few deep breaths.
Begin to deepen the breath. Noticing the rise of the belly, the ribs and the chest on your inhales, and the slow release of the chest, ribs and belly on your exhales. Imagine yourself creating an abundance of space on the inhales and clearing out any stagnation on the exhales.
Maintaining your deepest breaths, begin to bring your attention to how you are feeling energetically in the mind.
Notice your thoughts. Notice the pace of your thoughts. Are you feeling mentally relaxed, or are they scattered and unorganized? Notice the mood of your thoughts. Are they in alignment with how you desire to feel today? Continue breathing in this way for at least a few minutes, simply observing the energetic state of the mind.
Begin to bring your attention to the energy within the physical body. Notice any tension or tightness. Notice any areas that feel calm and relaxed. Where in the body are you feeling these sensations. Within your mind, call out the sensation and where you are experiencing it. For example, I am feeling tension in my shoulders. Continue breathing and observing the energetic state of your body for the next several moments.
Come back to your rhythmic breath if you lost it.
Momentarily, bring your awareness back to the thoughts and physical sensations that are currently impacting your day. Take a deep breath in. Take a deep breath out.
Imagine now that you have the power to change, clear and reset anything within you… because you do.
With your next inhale, imagine all of the stagnant mental energy and thoughts are being collected to be set free from your mind. On your exhale, image yourself releasing that energy out of your mind.
Inhale, all of the negative, stagnant mental energy is being collected. Exhale, let it go. Continue breathing in this way for the next several moments.
Now we are going to do the same thing with the physical sensations. Bring your attention to the location in your body that is experiencing the most uneasiness. On your inhale, imagine the breath breaking up the physical tension. On the exhale, release the tension from your body. Inhale, the tension is broken down. Exhale, it is released. Maintain this rhythm for a few minutes.
Now that the mind and body are feeling a bit lighter. Bring your attention to the top of your head. Imagine there is a light above the top of your head. On your inhale, you are able to absorb and collect that positive light above you, on the exhale, the light distributes within your body, creating the sensation of freedom and clarity. Inhale, bring in lighter, exhale, let it radiate within you.
Continue with this visual for the next several moments.
Slowly start to come back to your normal rhythm of breathing. Invite some gentle movements back into the body. When you are ready, blink the eyes open. Go back into your day feeling mentally and physically calm, relaxed and reset.
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