A Letter To My Body

body image and self esteem

My Dear Body,

I haven’t always been fair to you, yet you always do what’s best.

I haven’t always spoken kindly to you, yet you are always patient.

I haven’t always loved you the way I should, yet you always give me everything I need.

My dear body, my lifelong companion…you are strong, resilient and forgiving.

You have taught me so much about my own internal strength, about unconditional acceptance and about the importance of listening, trusting and prioritizing the things that truly matter in life.

Thank you for guiding me.
Thank you for forgiving me.
Thank you for trusting me.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to become a mother 🤍

I have never felt more grateful, more proud and more confident in my own skin as I do now.

Do you struggle with self + body image?

Download my newest FREE resource: The Self Acceptance Journal - thought prompts and affirmations for a stronger self image! Click the image below for instant access!