Positive Energy Meditation
This meditation is for cultivating positivity and positive energy within yourself!
Start seated upright in a comfortable position.
Lengthen the spine, relax the shoulders and close the eyes.
Take a few deep clearing breaths.
Once you feel grounded, take a moment to consider some positive affirmations about yourself.
Choose the first affirmation that comes to mind and ask yourself:
Is this thought true? Listen to what arises when you ask yourself that question?
Where do you feel it in the body?
If you experience any self doubt of negative self talk, can you push that aside and step into the idea that it is TRUE?
How does that make you feel?
What emotions come up?
Take a moment to sense this in the body. Where do you feel it?
Breathe in the affirmation and notice the emotions and physical feelings associated.
Take a few deep breaths, breathing in confidence and exhaling doubt.
Gently blink the eyes open and allow the confidence to be infused throughout the rest of your day.
If you are interested in learning more about meditation and mindfulness, be sure to check out my 30-day program, MINDFUL 30!
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MINDFUEL: 5 days of modern mindfulness
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Learn how to incorporate mindfulness into ALL aspects of your life, from the way you eat, move and think, and discover how just a few mindful minutes a day can transform your mindset, attitude and outlook on life.