Defining support during life's challenges.


What does it mean to feel supported?

For me support is being seen, heard and respected when you hit rock bottom.

It’s about being cared for unconditionally when you are vulnerable, afraid and lack direction.

It’s about feeling loved even when you can’t love yourself.

It’s about feeling safe and supported during both your weakest and strongest moments.

It’s about being free to expose your biggest weaknesses and deepest insecurities without fear of judgment or ridicule.

It’s the feeling I get with you…To my husband, best friend, and my forever “Monday man crush”…

Thank you for all that you are, all that you do, and all that you have taught me about life, growth and unconditional love.

I would not be where I am today without your support. ❤️

Who is your biggest support in your life?

How do they make you feel supported?

When was the last time you told them how much their support means to you?

If you are looking for support on your mindset and wellness journey, my door is always open for you. Click here to send me a message and let’s set up a time to talk.